Ramblings of an Amateur _____

Nishant Srivastava
2 min readJul 30, 2020

You must think what kind of a name is that. You’re not alone, I do too. I gave this a hard long thought and couldn’t really think of something more apt. Im writing this as these thoughts have no other formal outlet as of now, and might seem like ramblings at some points in time, though I will try not to keep it this meta from now on.

A brief introduction — Hi, I’m Nishant , a recent MBA graduate from one of the decent B-Schools of the country, and also a computer science engineer from one of the not-so-decent engineering colleges of the country. Like most of you reading this, I too was and am affected by this covid situation professionally.

Though I’d still like to think that starting to write a blog is not a knee jerk reaction to an identity crisis which many of us are going through due to staying at home for periods which were before unknown to us, and that it is something I always wanted to do but couldn't because of “lack of time”(I’m slowly discovering that is a myth. Except moms, everybody has got free time they waste away gladly), but I digress.

Through these blogs (yes there’s gonna be more), I’d be touching upon some useful concepts of product too as I’m currently looking for roles in product and also functioning as a product consultant to a stealth stage startup in the creative space rental business. So I believe a blog is a good place to pen down some thoughts, reinforce something new that I learn, and even have healthy discussions with the Medium community on the same.

And that brings us to why the second part of the title… Amateur..and then the dashes(yeah I know I said I wont be meta).
Or, let’s just say all shall be revealed in time.

Keep watching this space for more



Nishant Srivastava

Nishant is a man of few words, and a lot of bad jokes. Always up for talking Man Utd, politics and product. An MBA grad, struggling with 16hrs of screentime